Xela Pack is proud to introduce the XP-FFS-5. Built by Gentile Packaging Machinery, the XP-FFS-5 is form, fill, & seal production machinery that allows you to produce environmentally conscious Xela Packs in your own facility.
About the XP-FFS-5
Updated Controls
New 15" HMI for easy operation and monitoring
Faster PLC, valves, and components
Alarms for all vital functions
Recipes for setting up repeat products
Dedicated IP connection for remote services
Pressure Regulation
New pressure controls to monitor and maintain sealing jaw pressures to ensure quality seals
Shut down mode if pressures are not maintained
Larger Frame Accommodations
Full machine enclosure
Partial machine enclosure
Light curtains or other automated enclosure systems can be added if needed
New Heating System
New heating system for more accurate temperature control
Junction Boxes for cleaner setup and assembly
Multiple Coding Options
Inkjet Coding now available
Embossed Coding
Machine can be built with both options
Additional Updates
Improved filling system interface
Better safety features
Faster production speeds
Specifications & Requirements
Estimated Production Speeds
35+ Xela Packs per minute
Approximately 20,000 - 25,000 Xela Packs per 12 hour shift
(depending on size, style, and product)
Electrical & Air Requirements
230v, Three Phase 60 Amp minimum
100 psi clean, dry air
Additional Requirements
Chiller needed for sealing jaw coolant system
SMC HRS024-A-20​
20 gallon reservoir air tank